There is a sensor in the base and a magnet into the gipsy so they can be connected to a chain counter.
Lofrans windlass chain counter sensor kit.
To operate an electric windlass you need a corresponding heavy relay for up down operation of the winch.
For your final windlass selection your local distributor will be able to advise and assist you.
Independent gipsy and drum operation rope and chain combination gypsy manual chain release chain counter presetting as standard and anodised marine aluminium gearbox.
Our selection includes windlasses chain and line switchgear and accessories.
Autoanchor 560 marine windlass anchor rode counter control kit black spa aa560 cable sold separately counts both anchor chain and rope this panel.
The vertical windlass x1 features.
Iris ii is supplied with an evolved microprocessor with different operations allowing an optimum anchoring.
For more information on anchoring systems head over to our catalog of product documents where you can find everything from owner s manuals to parts lists.
No matter the type of vessel or the size we can help you find exactly the right fit.
We offer a wide range of horizontal windlasses and vertical windlasses that can definitely meet your needs.
Rope for chain rode use.
Please note that this tool offers recommendations.
Sensor kit for chain counter.
Autoanchor spa aa22 plb13x vertical windlass deckplate sensor fitting adapter nylon grommet deckplate sensor adapter fitting grommet fits pre drilled muir and other brand windlasses.
To select the proper anchor windlass you must determine whether it s for a light or heavy use so we have created a windlass selection tool to help you.
Triggering of the relay can be done by means of a foot switch a panel in the cockpit a.
For over 50 years lofrans manufactures anchor windlasses winches capstans that combine top performance absolute safety and style.
Lofrans deck hardware accessories.
Chain counter iris ii this fly bridge chain counter iris ii is technologically advanced instrument with an elegant and ergonomic design makes it suitable for all type of boat cockpits.